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Week eight was a decent training week despite contending with the humidity. Ready for cooler, drier running weather. Happy with both tempo and long runs. Next Sunday (Sep 16) is the Philadelphia Rock n Roll half marathon. Will be running this as a tune up race for NYC Marathon. To accommodate the race, am shifting a few long run workouts around. Ran 20 miles this week instead of the scheduled 18-miler. Next weekend is the half marathon; weekend after Philly is the NYRR 18-mile Tune Up. Works out quite nicely, schedule-wise.
Monday: Rest day.
Tuesday: Intervals. Although I worked hard, pace was sluggish. 96% humidity didn’t help; was a soupy, damp mess to run in. Bit disappointed to see such disparity in pace despite the effort. Happy to have plowed through the workout though.
- Total = 7.62 mi – 1:03:05 – 8:16 min/mi avg pace
- Plan = 2 x [(6 x 400m @ 6:38 min/mi) (90 sec RI)] (2:30 RI between sets)
- Actual repeats = (1) 6:50; (2) 6:56; (3) 6:54; (4) 6:59; (5) 7:03; (6) 6:40; (7) 6:56; (8) 7:01; (9) 6:40; (10) 6:53; (11) 6:45; (12) 6:43
Wednesday: Form review. First day assisting at a Chi Running class training people for the NYC Marathon. Spent evening doing form review; had mine re-evaluated, as well. Always interesting what you can relearn.
Thursday: Tempo run. Was a hard run after a long, busy day. Definitely happy getting this close to, and then exceeding goal pace. It was a push with the humidity. Quads and piriformis are feeling tight. Seems I’m due for a deep tissue massage as foam rolling and stretching is only doing so much right now.
- Total = 6.01 mi – 48:33 – 8:06 min/mi avg pace (plus extra .50 mi cool down @ 8:57 min/mi pace)
- Plan = 3 mi @ 7:35 min/mi
- Actual splits = (1) 7:37; (2) 7:42; (3) 7:31
Friday: Rest day. Epsom salt soak and foam rolling.
Saturday: Long run. Comfortable long run that included two bridges (Manhattan & Brooklyn). Legs felt great entire time. Quads and piriformis weren’t bothersome at all. Pace was a tad fast, but controlled and comfortable. Watched storm roll in over the city, which was incredible to see. Caught in pouring rain in last 1.5mi of run.
- Total = 20.01 mi – 2:53:10 – 8:42 min/mi avg pace
- Plan = 20 mi @ 8:53 min/mi
- Actual = 20.01 mi @ 8:42 min/mi
Sunday: Cross-training. Spin for 45 minutes.
Total weekly mileage: 34.14 miles
See all weekly training recaps here.
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